China can't 'arm twist' India

India has shown to China that it can not pressurize India in any way. India is not small country which would come under China's pressure. Yesterday (Dec 01, 2011) West Bengal Governor M K Narayanan was present when Dalai Lama was addressing public in Kolkata. China called off Indo-China 15th round of border talks scheduled for Nov 28, 2011 because of Buddhist Conference organisation on the same day which had Dalai Lama involved in it. China doesn't seem to believe falling of these two events on same days as coincidence. Also It asked India to call of the congregation which was to be addressed by Dalai Lama. The event was co-organised by Public Diplomacy division of the Ministry of External Affairs. India respects sovereignty of its partner countries but no country should try to impose its say on India. South Africa which is a trading partner of China kept on delaying visa to Dalai Lama to maintain the good relation that Beijing has with ruling African National Congress. Dalai Lama was to attend 80th birthday of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a fellow Nobel peace prize winner. This was the second time Dalai Lama could not honour invitation to South Africa by Tutu after failing to make it to a meeting in 2010.

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