Karma is the destiny man weaves for himself

Noticing his shaven head, I asked, “Has something wrong gone in the family?” He said, “Yes, I lost my elder brother.”

Already pained over the loss of my own mother, I asked how.

He said his brother committed suicide. He was a little over 60 years. He had an argument with his wife the evening before and was disturbed. He went to his field and hung himself to the tree.

He was with his wife for four years, prior to which he served his jail term of 15 years.

This had me curious and I asked why jail, to which he said his brother had murdered someone in the past.

I asked if he was an aggressive person to which he said, “yes, he was quite aggressive but not anymore”

We change as we age. We don’t change because we are learned but because we are helpless. We are aging and we can’t continue to be what we had been while we were young and active. When we are physically weak, we are forced to be what is contrary to our original personality, we are forced to be levelheaded (at least look like that), act sensible and wise.

Any death is traumatizing and so was the death of the person who was murdered decades ago. The family suffered irreparable loss and unbearable was the agony that followed later. How could all this pain and experience go in vain! Now his family is going through the same pain and he is witnessing all that while being out of the body.

Brother (murderer) is no more. He killed himself. What is it if not the fruit of his own karma!

We can’t blame anyone for what we are getting. We are reaping what we sowed and will reap what we are sowing now. Nothing is just and fairer than the law of Karma.

Be good, do good. Forgive all.

Life is too short to be revengeful!

कर्मों से डरिए ईश्वर से नहीं, ईश्वर माफ कर देता है कर्म नहीं..

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