Love living animals, not the killed

Believing non-vegetarian food to be a good source of proteins and vitamins, many parents encourage their children to adopt such diet. Due to poor knowledge, they fail to realise the same nutrition is available in a variety of vegetarian foods.

Mothers, human or animal, raise children with perpetual readiness to reach any extent for their protection. How about the mothers whose children are slaughtered in front of them just for the tastebud of us. Spare a thought about their thoughts of utmost helplessness and grief.

One evening as I passed through a locality in South Delhi, I saw a man sprinkling water on sleeping hens in a cage. It required not much of a brain to understand that he was readying them for slaughter the next morning. The poor hens were not even allowed to sleep peacefully the night before. My heart went out for the livestock that must be kept fresh. But seconds later, I realized these hens were probably the same people who killed animals in their previous lifetime for their taste and are now bearing the whirlwind of our own karmas. The same slaughterer will be slaughtered in the next life as an animal. Since I believe the theory of karma and rebirth, I acknowledge the vicious circle thus made.

Let’s get out of this vicious circle once and for all. Let’s go back to the theory of our ancient sages 'Live and Let Live'. This is our moment. Let’s break free.

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