Social Media -Rule it, Time it

In this age of technology, we take mind off one platform and the next moment we are active on another. We don’t merely shift from one app to another, we get addicted - addiction to such an extent that we fail to prioritise things. We are constantly looking for notifications on our phone screens. Fair enough, we are not harming anybody, but we are definitely harming ourselves. We have lost the track and focus. That is definitely not the goal of life. Are we really balanced? Are we at peace doing all this? Excess of anything is bad, they say. We solely are responsible to create balance and harmony in our lives.

Why is this happening?
Life is such that we are generally stressed due to various reasons. We want to de-focus from problems and relieve stress. With that as a motive, we actually end up spending too much time on social media. This helps to some extent if we want to just divert mind from the main problem but eventually it turns into an addiction. It affects our daily functioning. We simply start but don’t know when and where to stop. This is an aimless journey doing no good to our brain and soul. We are only losers, no one else.

How to know you are addicted?
If you can’t keep your phone away for long, you are addicted. If you are tempted to look at your phone screen again and again, you are addicted. If you are looking at your phone even while talking to someone, you are addicted. When your focus is not on the conversation but on your phone, you are addicted.

What to do?
Life must have a balance. No harm in being active on social media but one needs to know where to put a fullstop. Realise before it is too late. Anything that acts as a hurdle in your routine and disengages you from your responsibilities and priorities, crush it before it causes irreparable harm to you. Discover your addiction in time and move past it. We need to grow mentally and spiritually. You rule social media, don’t let social media rule you. Social media is not the source of happiness. The source of happiness lies within you. Help yourself, because no one else can. 


  1. Very aptly written
    Makes sense
    And you said it correct, the source of happiness lies within you
