'Nanak dukhiya sab sansaar'
(Hey Nanak, the world is in distress)
Are we really sad or is it our mind that tells us to believe we are sad. We have lost the ability to look at the overall goodness of life. We pick up one issue of life and on the basis of that, we label our life as sorrowful.
We are always cribbing about what's happening in our day-to-day life. We complain to God, "why me?" We never question ourselves at the time of performing 'karma.' There is no injustice in the court of the Lord. We reap what we sow. But if we have a true Guru, he can reduce the intensity of pain and sufferings we go through. This happens only when we surrender unto him. This is probably the toughest task.
We usually surrender when we don't achieve anything from all of our futile efforts. That's not surrendering. Surrender is leaving everything to God in all circumstances. If you have surrendered, you will see much involvement of God in routine activities. Everything will turn out to be magic. You will automatically thank God in every situation; thank God for showing good times and thank God for reducing the intensity of your sufferings that you are/were supposed to undergo.
God is never happy to see his child cry. But for that, you have to behave like his child. Parents love kids who trust and follow them. You show your 'innocent child love" to God and he will love you forever. If he is the primary character in your life, you are his primary character as well. He will take care of your past, present and future.
We should learn to thank God when we get something we desire. We should thank God even when we don't get what we want because that is also his wish. Apparently, he is working in our best interests. Who knows we may be asking for things which can be potentially dangerous for us? He only knows what is right for us.

We are running after materialistic things and perishable beings. Human relations are variable vis-a-vis absolute relation with God.
In Sadhguru's words that really impacted my thinking, "a relationship is a variable reality, it is not an absolute reality. If you want to have an absolute relationship, you must choose God because it’s an absolute. You can handle it whichever way you want. If you didn’t think of him for ten days, another eleventh day if you think of him, he is still there. You do that to your husband or wife or somebody important to you, he will hold it against you. So if you want to have an absolute relationship, you must choose God, you should not choose human beings.”
Basically, no person is bad. He/she has some limited or special role in your life depending upon your own 'karma' and your past life connection with him. Never curse anybody because you don't know what role he is assigned by God to play in your life. Forgive. Thank God. Move on.

If you want to cry, cry before God. Talk to him. Never think he is inactive and not paying attention. The more emotionally you call upon him, the faster will be his reaction. Mind you, he loves you and doesn't like to see you cry. You are his child. You broke your connection with him, he didn't.

Look for signs
The more you experience something, the more you believe in it. I never believed in angels but I am sure there is some positive energy that is trying to guide and help us every now and then in every possible way. They try to communicate with us through signs and thoughts they impress upon our minds. Talk to the angels/positive energy that is always ready to assist you whenever you seek help. Spend some time in solitude, meditate to be able to listen to them by way of impressions they leave on your brain.

In order to live a gifted, abundant, joy-filled life, we must see it differently. We must look at the goodness of life which has been possible only with his grace. We must thank him for making our life much easier and comfortable compared to some who don't even have shelter to live under.
Our life is not as distressed as we have made it with our thoughts.
'Kiv sachiara hoiye kiv kude tute paal
Hukam rajai chalna nanak likhiya naal'
(How do we become truthful and how can the veil of illusion be torn away?)
Guru Nanak Dev ji says live in alignment with 'Hukam' (divine order) because everything in the universe happens according to the will of the almighty God. The whole of the universe is subject to the 'Hukam' of the Creator. Nothing ever happens without the will of the Lord. This commandment implies the complete surrender to the Supreme.
PS: I don’t advertise but one book that literally changed my attitude towards life is “The laws of the Spirit World” by Khurshed Bhavnagri. It changed my life and can change yours too.
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